50th Anniversary Texas Scramble 1st June 24

Photos of the evening event prize giving of the 50th Anniversary

Nick Workman Nearest the pin for Men on the 7th Im thumb
Heather Day wins Ladies longest Drive on the 13th Im thumb
1st with 52 pts - Patrick Latter, Daniel Lawrence, Barbara Thirkell & Nick Jackson Im thumb
2nd Place 51pts - Lucy Langridge Paul Winchester Alan Hodge Roy Stevens(Alan and Roy not in picture) Im thumb
3rd Place with 50 pts - Antony Powell,(Steve Worsfold, Gary Walder and Carol Emery not in photo) Im thumb
Patrick Ferguson wins Men's longest Drive on the 16th &  Men's Nearest Pin on the 17th Im thumb
Graham  Barden wins Men's longest drive on 8th Im thumb
Luke Measor wins Men's Longest Drive on the 6th Im thumb
Dean Barden wins Men's nearest the pin on the14th Im thumb

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