Ladies Committee Drive-In for 2015

Posted by Marion West on 12 March 2015

Anne Hitam putted out of her year as 2014 Ladies Captain, but without a Captain for 2015 the Ladies Committe will be running all the events this year.  We started the year with our Drive-In, this event this year was run by Chris Day and Enid Jones.  They got the Committe to dress up as Easter Bunnies, have face painting, wear ears and fluffy tails.  There are photos in the Club Photos and Ladies photos.  Chris led the occasion with her drive, we all paid a £1 to guess the length of her drive, in aid of our Charity OVACOME (Ovarian Cancer), the drive was142 yards and Dawn guessed correctly.

The Drive-In is a stableford competition and the winners were:

1st Polly Levett with 37 points

2nd Anne Hitam with 33 points

3rd Maureen Charles with 31 points

Prizes were appropriately Easter Eggs.  Well done, a great fun day and lovely sunshine.

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